Andrew has his period. (Anecdotes of Androgyny)

A. Liparoto

master vrije kunsten

  • Questions-

    a) How I am adhering to the gender norms of my natal sex? b) Practically how can I live as a man? c) How does taking on the atypical gender norms make me feel about my own gendered existence? d) How is it perceived by the world around me? e) To what capacity can I create my own gendered reality?

    Answers -

    a) More than I ever thought. b) Binder, protein shake and classic cut t-shirts. c) Mind fuck. d) I'm either a gay man or a lesbian. e) Working on it.

    Bonus Question- Was it real? Answer- As much as ever.

    Bio / Credits

    Photo Credit - Rachel Gruijters




  • Hugo DeBlock
  • Stefaan Dheedene
  • Adva Zakai
